welcome to my blog! :D

have fun! :D

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

umah kuw bnjir.. >,<

umah kuw bnjir huhu besh gak dpt men air siap tgkap ikan g hehe.. captured in disember 2009

big sis n lil safia! :D

this is my big sis n lil safia ank spupu kuh dak neh so cute! :D time raya haji huhu location di rumah spupu ku..

Sunday, December 6, 2009

kenangan di jeram linang! :D

time ni akuh x ingt dh ble tarikh ktorng p tp besh ouh dpt mandi air terjun nan membe hehe.. dah lame akuh x mndi air terjun mmg besh time nie, kenangan terindah geng2 kg aman p mandi air terjun di jeram linang! sweet memories! :D

kwn kuh yg gilak2.. :D

ni lah kwn2 kuh yg gilak2 time kt kolej huhu, mmg huru hara 1 dorm lau kowank ade hehe besh gilak smpai akuh x ley tdo mlm sbb korng yg alwayz hyper aktif, especialy tgh2 mlm.. saje xnk bg akuh tdo nan aman kn?? tp walau pn korank neh gilak2 melebihi had korank still da best huhu fwen 4ever!! :D

abOut Me..

most people called me alam.. so i guest thats my name huhu yah aLam is my name!! :D i was born in 26/6/1991 at kota bharu kelantan im curently 18 right now.. kinda old am i huh?? i think thats old enough hoho.. but not that old ngeee.. :D im kinda simple person, calm, cool n supportive in some particular times.. totaly luv making frens LOL!! n im kinda frenly too, at least im think i am hehe.. i studied at some kolej. sumtimes i luv my life but for some reasons i kinda felt the opposite too dunno why huhu.. theres not much to tell about myself, anyway welcome to my blog!! :D